Battle of Wayna Daga - A combined army of Ethiopian and Portuguese troops defeats a Muslim army led by Ahmed Gragn.

The Battle of Wayna Daga was a large-scale battle between the Ethiopian forces assisted by Portuguese musketeers and cavalry and the forces of the Adal Sultanate and the Ottoman Empire in the east of Lake Tana in Ethiopia on 21 February 1543. The available sources give different dates for the battle. Led by the Emperor Galawdewos, the combined army of Ethiopian and Portuguese troops defeated the Adal-Ottoman army led by Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi. Tradition states that Ahmad was fatally wounded and killed by a Portuguese musketeer. Once the Imam's soldiers learned of his death, they fled the battlefield, and regrouped with Ahmed's wife Bati del Wambara and his nephew Nur ibn Mujahid at Harar, who through their marriage continued the war against Abyssinia.