Madras (now Chennai), India, is founded by the British East India Company on a sliver of land bought from local Nayak rulers.
Spanish troops land on Sardinia.
Beginning of the Haitian Slave Revolution in Saint-Domingue, Haiti.
Mahatma Gandhi forms the Natal Indian Congress (NIC) in order to fight discrimination against Indian traders in Natal.
Theodore Roosevelt becomes the first President of the United States to make a public appearance in an automobile.
World War II: German troops begin the Siege of Leningrad.
Rhodesia is expelled by the IOC for its racist policies.
The Sandinista National Liberation Front (FLSN) occupies national palace in Nicaragua.
Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore is suspended after refusing to comply with a federal court order to remove a rock inscribed with the Ten Commandments from the lobby of the Alabama Supreme Court building.