Next Ganesh Chaturthi holiday is on

27th August 2025, Wednesday

What is Ganesh Chaturthi?

Ganesh Chaturthi

The Ganesh Chaturthi festival is the day when Lord Ganesha shows his presence on earth for all his devotees. The festival lasts up to 10 days and ends on the day of Ananta Chaturdashi. There are public celebrations on that day. During the festival an idol of Shri Ganesha is worshiped in every house.

Ganesh Chaturthi also known as

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When is Ganesh Chaturthi?

How long until Ganesh Chaturthi?
Next Ganesh Chaturthi takes place in 353 Days.
Dates of Ganesh Chaturthi
2030 Sunday1st Sep
2029 Tuesday11th Sep
2028 Wednesday23rd Aug
2027 Friday3rd Sep
2026 Monday14th Sep
2025 Wednesday27th Aug
2024 Saturday7th Sep
2023 Monday18th Sep
2022 Wednesday31st Aug
2021 Friday10th Sep
2020 Saturday22nd Aug
2019 Monday2nd Sep
2018 Thursday13th Sep
2017 Friday25th Aug
2016 Monday5th Sep
2015 Thursday17th Sep
1 Day

Upcoming Hindu Holidays