When is Lailat al Miraj 2027?

Lailat al Miraj 2027 is on Tuesday 5th Jan, 2027 (05/01/2027) in 702 days

Note that with regards to the Muslim calendar, a holiday is commenced on the sunset of the preceding day; thus, Lailat al Miraj 2027 will be observed on the sunset of Monday 4th Jan, 2027.

Lailat al Miraj always falls on the same day according to the Islamic calendar; for it being a lunar calendar. Nonetheless, the day differs on the Gregorian calendar as it is a solar calendar; causing roughly an eleven day difference each year.

The dates of Lailat al Miraj are usually determined by either an actual sighting of the moon with the naked eyes, or through astronomical calculations. Note that dates provided here are based on the dates adopted by the Fiqh Council of North America.

What is Lailat al Miraj?

Lailat al Miraj

The other name of Lailat al Miraj is Shab-e-Miraj. It is the night where we celebrate the Isra’ and Miraj (the Night Journey and the Ascension) of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) when he traveled from Mecca to Al-Haram As-Sharif (the Temple Mount). He (Peace be upon him) was lifted up to heaven until he reached Paradise where he (peace be upon him) met all the prophets along the way before meeting Allah finally (He saw only the light of Allah).

Dates for Lailat al Miraj from 2015 to 2030

The next occurrence of Lailat al Miraj is marked in red

When is ...?WeekdayDateDays away
Lailat al Miraj 2030SaturdayNov 23rd in 2120 days
Lailat al Miraj 2029MondayDec 3rd in 1765 days
Lailat al Miraj 2028ThursdayDec 14th in 1411 days
Lailat al Miraj 2027SaturdayDec 25th in 1056 days
Lailat al Miraj 2027TuesdayJan 5th in 702 days
Lailat al Miraj 2026FridayJan 16th in 348 days
Lailat al Miraj 2025MondayJan 27th 5 days ago
Lailat al Miraj 2024ThursdayFeb 8th 359 days ago
Lailat al Miraj 2023SaturdayFeb 18th 714 days ago
Lailat al Miraj 2022MondayFeb 28th 1069 days ago
Lailat al Miraj 2021ThursdayMar 11th 1423 days ago
Lailat al Miraj 2020SundayMar 22nd 1777 days ago
Lailat al Miraj 2019WednesdayApr 3rd 2131 days ago
Lailat al Miraj 2018FridayApr 13th 2486 days ago
Lailat al Miraj 2017MondayApr 24th 2840 days ago
Lailat al Miraj 2016WednesdayMay 4th 3195 days ago
Lailat al Miraj 2015SaturdayMay 16th 3549 days ago
Data provided 'as is' without warranty

Quick Facts

Start DateJan 5, 2027
When? Starts in 702 days
Duration1 Day
Type Muslim Holidays

Upcoming Muslim Holidays