When is Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2026?

Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2026 is on Saturday 18th Apr, 2026 (18/04/2026) in 485 days

What is Birthday of Guru Angad Dev?

Birthday of Guru Angad Dev

Guru Angad was the second Sikh Guru, leading the Sikh teachings after the death of Guru Nanak, the first Sikh Guru, in 1539. He was born in 1504 to a Hindu family, and was given the name Bhai Lenha. Prior to embracing the teachings of Sikhism, he worked as a religious teacher; promoting the preachment of goddess Durga, until he met the first guru and became a Sikh. Bhai Lenha was given the name Angad by Guru Nanak after many years of being his acolyte. Shortly after, Guru Nanak announced Guru Angad as his successor in delivering the messages of Sikhism, favoring him over his own sons.

Dates for Birthday of Guru Angad Dev from 2015 to 2030

The next occurrence of Birthday of Guru Angad Dev is marked in red

When is ...?WeekdayDateDays away
Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2030ThursdayApr 18th in 1946 days
Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2029WednesdayApr 18th in 1581 days
Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2028TuesdayApr 18th in 1216 days
Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2027SundayApr 18th in 850 days
Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2026SaturdayApr 18th in 485 days
Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2025FridayApr 18th in 120 days
Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2024ThursdayApr 18th 244 days ago
Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2023TuesdayApr 18th 610 days ago
Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2022MondayApr 18th 975 days ago
Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2021SundayApr 18th 1340 days ago
Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2020SaturdayApr 18th 1705 days ago
Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2019ThursdayApr 18th 2071 days ago
Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2018WednesdayApr 18th 2436 days ago
Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2017TuesdayApr 18th 2801 days ago
Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2016MondayApr 18th 3166 days ago
Birthday of Guru Angad Dev 2015SaturdayApr 18th 3532 days ago
Data provided 'as is' without warranty

Birthday of Guru Angad Dev also known as

Quick Facts

Start DateApr 18, 2026
When? Starts in 485 days
Duration1 Day
Type Sikh Holidays

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