Antonis Tritsis,希腊跳高运动员和政治家,第 71 任雅典市长(生于 1937 年)

Antonis Tritsis(希腊语:Αντώνης Τρίτσης;1937 - 1992 年 4 月 7 日)是希腊政治家和城市规划师,在切法利尼亚岛的阿尔戈斯托利镇出生和长大。

在他年轻的时候,他是帕纳辛奈科斯 A.O. 的运动员。 A founding member of the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK), he was elected MP in the Greek Parliament with PASOK in 1981 and 1985 and served as Minister of Urban Planning, and Minister for National Education and Religious Affairs. In 1989 he established the short-lived Greek Radical Movement, and in 1990, in a political shift, he was elected mayor of Athens with support from the New Democracy party.上任后,他滔滔不绝地谈论他在雅典各地大胆植树以抑制城市过度建设和空气污染的宠物项目,以及统一雅典历史中心的考古遗址和重新引入电车铁路。他于 1992 年 4 月中风后去世。