
彼得·大卫·罗宾逊(Peter David Robinson,1948 年 12 月 29 日出生)是一位退休的北爱尔兰政治家,曾于 2008 年至 2016 年担任北爱尔兰第一部长,并于 2008 年至 2015 年担任民主统一党 (DUP) 领袖。直到 2016 年退休,罗宾逊一直担任参与北爱尔兰政治超过 40 年,与伊恩佩斯利一起成为 DUP 的创始成员。

罗宾逊从 1975 年起担任 DUP 总书记,他一直担任这一职务直到 1979 年,这使他有机会在羽翼未丰的党内发挥前所未有的影响力。 In 1977, Robinson was elected as a councillor for the Castlereagh Borough Council in Dundonald, and in 1979, he became one of the youngest Members of Parliament (MP) when he was narrowly elected for Belfast East.他一直担任这个席位,直到 2010 年被 Naomi Long 击败,这使他成为自 1800 年联合法案以来任职时间最长的贝尔法斯特议员。

In 1980, Robinson was elected as the deputy leader of the DUP. Following the re-establishment of devolved government in Northern Ireland as a result of the Good Friday Agreement, Robinson was elected in 1998 as the Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) for Belfast East.罗宾逊随后担任北爱尔兰行政区区域发展部长和财政和人事部长。 Robinson was elected unopposed to succeed Ian Paisley as leader of the DUP on 15 April 2008, and was subsequently confirmed as First Minister of Northern Ireland on 5 June 2008.In January 2010, following a scandal involving his wife Iris, Robinson temporarily handed over his根据 2006 年北爱尔兰法案的条款,担任 Arlene Foster 的首席部长。经过警方调查,建议在 BBC 就丑闻提出指控后不应起诉 Robinson,他恢复了首席部长的职责。


2015 年 9 月,在休会被拒绝后,他再次站到一边,允许阿琳·福斯特担任代理首席部长。罗宾逊的行动是对爱尔兰共和军实施的谋杀案的回应,该谋杀案与北爱尔兰执行委员会的一个政党有关。罗宾逊于 2015 年 10 月 20 日恢复其职务。2015 年 11 月 19 日,他宣布辞去首席部长和民主统一党领袖的职务。罗宾逊随后于 2016 年 1 月 11 日卸任首席部长,现已完全退出前线政界。