Ella T. Grasso 成为康涅狄格州州长,这是美国第一位继丈夫以外担任州长的女性。

Ella Rosa Giovianna Oliva Grasso(née Tambussi;1919 年 5 月 10 日 - 1981 年 2 月 5 日)是美国政治家和民主党成员,曾于 1975 年 1 月 8 日至 1980 年 12 月 31 日担任康涅狄格州第 83 任州长。拒绝过去对参议院和州长的候选人资格。 She was the first woman elected to this office and the first woman to be elected governor of a U.S. state without having been the spouse or widow of a former governor.由于与卵巢癌作斗争,她辞去了州长职务。

格拉索作为女性选民联盟和民主党演讲撰稿人的成员开始从政。 She was first elected to the Connecticut House of Representatives in 1952 and later became the first female Floor Leader in 1955. She was then elected as Secretary of the State of Connecticut in 1958 and served until 1971. Grasso went on to serve two terms in the 1970年至1974年的美国众议院从1974年出选了总督,并在1978年再次选出。