Yoshito Takamine,美国政治家(2015 年逝世)
Yoshito Takamine(1924 年 6 月 24 日 - 2015 年 10 月 27 日)是夏威夷的美国政治家和劳工领袖。 Takamine, who was first elected to the Hawaii House of Representatives in 1958, when the state was still the Territory of Hawaii, served in the state House of Representatives for 12 consecutive terms until his retirement in 1984. Takamine, the longtime chairman of the House劳工委员会监督了 1974 年夏威夷预付医疗保健法案的制定,该法案使夏威夷成为美国第一个对提供给工人的医疗保健福利规定最低标准的州。