
爱德华·埃米特·考夫曼(Edward Emmett Kaufman,1939 年 3 月 15 日出生)是一位退休的美国政治家和商人,曾于 2009 年至 2010 年在特拉华州担任美国参议员。他主持了监督问题资产救助计划的国会监督小组;他是继伊丽莎白沃伦之后第二个也是最后一个担任该职位的人。考夫曼是民主党的成员。

Kaufman was appointed to the Senate to serve the remainder of longtime Senator Joe Biden's term after he was elected Vice President in 2008. Prior to becoming a US Senator, Kaufman had served as an advisor to Biden for much of his political career and served as the他的总统过渡的负责人。