朴元淳(韩语:박원순;1955 年 2 月 11 日 - 2020 年 7 月 9 日)是韩国政治家、活动家和律师。 He was the longest-serving mayor of Seoul, from 2011 until his death in July 2020. Being a member of the Democratic Party of Korea, he was first elected in 2011 and won re-election in 2014 and 2018.
Prior to being elected mayor, Park was a community and social justice activist, serving as a member of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.作为首尔著名的政治捐助者,朴为政治组织和智囊团做出了贡献,这些组织和智囊团倡导草根解决社会、教育、环境和政治问题。
2020 年 7 月,朴槿惠的前秘书指控他性骚扰了四年。帕克第二天死于明显的自杀。