Bernard Cleary,加拿大记者、学者和政治家

伯纳德·克利里(Bernard Cleary,1937 年 5 月 8 日 - 2020 年 7 月 27 日)是加拿大政治家。

Cleary was first elected to the House of Commons of Canada in the 2004 Canadian federal election.他是路易-圣-洛朗 (Louis-Saint-Laurent) 选区的魁北克集团议会议员。他是欧盟对印度事务和北方发展部长的批评者。 Prior to being elected, Cleary was a businessman, chief negotiator, journalist and professor.

2006年,他被加拿大保守党的Josée Verner击败。

克利里出生在魁北克的马什图伊特什。 He was the first person of Aboriginal descent to be elected in Quebec, as well as the first Innu person elected from any province, to the House of Commons.