
Balibo Five 是一群澳大利亚商业电视网络的记者,他们在印度尼西亚入侵东帝汶之前被谋杀。巴利波五人组的基地位于东帝汶(当时的葡萄牙帝汶)的巴利波镇,他们于 1975 年 10 月 16 日在印度尼西亚入侵前被杀。罗杰·伊斯特(Roger East)不久后前往巴里博(Balibo)调查五人可能死亡的情况,后来在帝力码头被印尼军方人员处决。

2007年,一名澳大利亚验尸官裁定他们是被印度尼西亚特种部队士兵故意杀害的。印尼官方的说法是,这些人是在争夺城镇的战斗中被交火杀死的。 According to The Economist, the Australian Government has never challenged this view in order to avoid damaging relations with Indonesia.After the ruling, newly elected Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd declared "those responsible should be held to account... You can't把它扫到一边”。 However, no meaningful action was taken after he was elected, and Rudd refused to visit the gravesite of the slain journalists in 2008.