Birthe Rønn Hornbech,丹麦警察和政治家,丹麦教会事务部长
Birthe Johanne Sparrevohn Rønn Hornbech (born 18 October 1943 in Copenhagen) is a Danish politician, member of the Folketing (the national parliament of Denmark) for Venstre, the liberal party, elected in the constituency of Køge, and former Minister for Refugees, Immigrants整合和教会事务。
Hornbech 以 cand.jur 的身份毕业。 1971年毕业于哥本哈根大学(法学硕士)。此后,她在警察局担任文员,1981年晋升为副警察局长。 She was first elected to the Folketing in 1984.
2007 年大选后,她成为部长,尽管此前曾多次拒绝此类任命。
2010 年,霍恩贝克作为一体化部长受到了公众的审查,当时发现居住在丹麦的年轻无国籍巴勒斯坦人在她知情的情况下被非法剥夺丹麦公民身份。 2011 年 3 月 8 日,她因此被各部委开除。