Sila María Calderón,波多黎各裔美国女商人和政治家,波多黎各第 12 任国务卿

Sila María Calderón Serra (born September 23, 1942) is a Puerto Rican politician, businesswoman, and philanthropist who was the governor of Puerto Rico from 2001 to 2005. She is the first woman elected to that office.在担任州长之前,卡尔德龙在波多黎各政府担任过多个职务,包括 1988 年至 1989 年的第 12 任波多黎各国务卿,以及拉斐尔·埃尔南德斯·科隆州长的参谋长。从 1997 年到 2001 年,她还是波多黎各首都圣胡安的市长。