
所罗门西丽奇韦斯迪亚斯班达拉尼亚斯特拉纳克(Sinhala:泰米尔:泰米尔:சாலமன்சாலமன்வெஸ்ட்ரிட்ஜ்வேடயஸ்பண்டாரநாயக்கா; 1959年1月8日),1959年1月8日,他的首字母被称为SWRD或SWRD Bandaranaike,并由SRI Lankan人民称为“亚洲银铃”(ආසියාවේ රිදී සීනුව),是锡兰自治领(现斯里兰卡)的第四任总理,从 1956 年到 1959 年被暗杀。左翼和僧伽罗民族主义者斯里兰卡的创始人自由党,他的任期见证了该国的第一次左翼改革。

他出生于一个富有的政治家庭,在牛津大学基督教堂学习哲学、政治和经济学,并被召唤到内殿的酒吧。回到锡兰后,他通过参加锡兰国民大会进入当地政界。 Having been elected to the Colombo Municipal Council in 1926, he was elected from his family seat in Veyangoda to the State Council of Ceylon for two terms between 1931 and 1947, while serving in the second term as Minister of Local Administration in the Board of Ministers . Having founded the Sinhala Maha Sabha in 1936 on Sinhalese nationalist lines advocating for self-rule in Ceylon, he joined DS Senanayake by dissolving the Sinhala Maha Sabha and merging it with the United National Party at its formation in 1947. He was elected to the House 1947 年,阿塔纳加拉 (Attanagalla) 将成为他家族的政治席位。 Since the Sinhala Maha Sabha formed the largest segment of the United National Party, D. S. Senanayake appointed Bandaranaike as Minister of Health and Local Government and he was elected as the Leader of the House. Following several disagreements, Bandaranaike resigned from the government and crossed the floor to the opposition, forming the Sri Lanka Freedom Party in 1951. Following D. S. Senanayake's sudden death and the elections that followed, Bandaranaike was elected leader of the opposition.他召集了一个名为 Mahajana Eksath Peramuna 的强大联盟,并在僧伽罗民族主义和社会主义的路线上进行角逐,他能够在 1956 年的大选中以压倒性优势战胜统一民族党,从而成为锡兰的第四任总理。在他的任期内,斯里兰卡自由党首先进行了一些左翼改革,例如将公共汽车服务国有化,并引入立法禁止基于种姓的歧视。班达拉奈克拆除了英国在锡兰的海军和空军基地,并与一些共产主义国家建立了外交使团。他实施了一项新的语言政策,即《仅限僧伽罗语法》,使僧伽罗语成为该国唯一的官方语言,引起了很大争议。

1959 年 9 月 25 日,班达拉奈克在他位于科伦坡的联排别墅中被枪杀,第二天因伤势过重死亡。一位名叫 Ven Talduwe Somarama 的佛教僧侣因谋杀班达拉奈克而被捕、定罪并被绞死。教育部长兼众议院代理领袖 Wijeyananda Dahanayake 被总督任命为看守总理,并得到议会的确认。班达拉奈克之死导致政治动荡,在达哈纳亚克(Dahanayake)领导下最终成立了自己的政党参加 1960 年 3 月大选的 Mahajana Eksath Peramuna 分崩离析。尽管自由党未能在 CP de Silva 的领导下组建政府,但新的选举仍在继续。四个月后举行的国民党政府失位后发表讲话。班达拉奈克的遗孀西里玛·拉特瓦特·迪亚斯·班达拉奈克领导自由党获得议会多数席位,并被任命为世界上第一位女总理。 She expanded on her husbands left wing reforms in her two terms as Prime Minister from 1960 to 1964 and from 1970 to 1977. In 1994, Bandaranaike's daughter Chandrika Kumaratunga headed a coalition lead by the Freedom Party to be elected Prime Minister and thereafter President serving from 1994年至2005年期间,班达拉奈克的遗孀于1994年至2000年担任总理,班达拉奈克的儿子阿努拉·班达拉奈克于2000年至2001年担任斯里兰卡议会议长。