Doris Leuthard,瑞士律师和政治家,瑞士联邦第 162 任总统
Doris Leuthard (born 10 April 1963) is a Swiss politician and lawyer who served as a Member of the Swiss Federal Council from 2006 to 2018. A member of the Christian Democratic People's Party (CVP/PDC), she was elected as President of the 2010 年和 2017 年瑞士联邦。Leuthard 担任联邦经济事务部的负责人,直到 2010 年她成为联邦环境、运输、能源和通信部的负责人。截至 2019 年 12 月 19 日,她是科菲·安南基金会的董事会成员。