Jules Grévy,法国律师和政治家,法兰西共和国第四任总统(卒于 1891 年)
弗朗索瓦·朱迪思·保罗·格雷维(François Judith Paul Grévy,1807 年 8 月 15 日 - 1891 年 9 月 9 日),被称为儒勒·格雷维(法语发音:[ʒyl ɡʁevi]),是一位法国律师和政治家,1879 年至 1887 年担任法国总统,是温和共和派的领导人。鉴于他的前任是试图恢复法国君主制但没有成功的君主主义者,格雷维被认为是法国第一位真正的共和党总统。格雷维出生在汝拉省的一个小镇,后来搬到巴黎,在那里他最初从事法律职业。成为共和党活动家。 1848 年,他作为法兰西第二共和国国民议会议员开始了他的政治生涯,在那里他以反对路易-拿破仑·波拿巴和支持较少的行政权力而闻名。在 1851 年路易-拿破仑发动的政变期间,他被短暂监禁,之后从政治生活中退休。
随着法兰西第二帝国的垮台和 1870 年共和国的重新建立,格雷维在国家政治中重新崭露头角。 After occupying high offices in the National Assembly and the Chamber of Deputies, he was elected president of France in 1879. During his presidency Grévy confirmed his longtime stance by diminishing his own executive authority in favor of the Parliament, and strove for peaceful foreign relations while反对殖民主义。 He was elected for a second term in 1885, but two years later was compelled to resign due to a political scandal involving his son-in-law, although Grévy himself was not implicated.他近九年的总统任期被视为法兰西第三共和国的巩固。