Richard le Gras,英格兰的守护者和 Evesham 的方丈
理查德·勒格拉斯(Richard the Bold in French;卒于 1242 年 12 月 9 日)是 13 世纪英格兰的守护神和 Evesham 的方丈。
Richard was prior of Hurley Priory before his election as abbot on 25 September 1236. He was blessed by the Bishop of Coventry on 30 November 1236 and was installed in office on 6 December 1236.Richard was Lord Keeper from 1240 to 1242.Richard was elected 1241 年成为考文垂主教,但要么没有接受这一职位,要么在有争议的选举解决之前去世。他于 1242 年 12 月 9 日在加斯科尼去世。