Avril Phaedra Douglas "Kim" Campbell(生于 1947 年 3 月 10 日)是加拿大政治家、外交官、律师和作家,于 1993 年 6 月 25 日至 11 月 4 日担任加拿大第 19 任总理。坎贝尔是第一位也是唯一一位女性加拿大总理。 Prior to becoming the final Progressive Conservative prime minister, she was also the first woman to serve as Minister of Justice in Canadian history and the first woman to become Minister of Defence in a NATO member state.Campbell was first elected to the British Columbia Legislative Assembly as a member of the British Columbia Social Credit Party in 1986 before being elected to the House of Commons of Canada as a PC in 1988. Under Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, she occupied numerous cabinet positions including Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Minister of Veterans 1990 年至 1993 年任国防部长。 1993 年 6 月,马尔罗尼因人气下降而辞职,坎贝尔成为新任总理。在那年 10 月举行的 1993 年加拿大联邦选举中,进步保守党被彻底击败,在之前的多数席位中失去了两个席位,坎贝尔失去了自己的席位。她的 132 天总理任期是加拿大历史上第三短的。