Ieronymos II(希腊语:Ιερώνυμος B',罗马化:Ierōnymos II,发音为 [ʝeˈronimos];生于 1937 年 3 月 10 日)是雅典和全希腊的大主教,同时也是希腊东正教教会的灵长类动物。 He was elected on 7 February 2008.Ieronymos served as Protosyncellus of the Metropolis of Thebes and Livadeia, abbot of the monasteries of the Transfiguration of Sagmata and Hosios Loukas, and Secretary, later Archsecretary, of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece. In 1981 he was elected Metropolitan Bishop of Thebes and Levadeia.他出版了两本主要教科书:“Euboea 的中世纪纪念碑”(1970 年)和“Christian Boeotia”(2006 年)。
2008 年 2 月 7 日,伊罗尼莫斯被希腊圣公会选举为新任雅典和全希腊大主教,他于 2008 年 2 月 16 日正式就职。

1938年3月, 10