1933 年的利特尔顿补选是在第 24 届新西兰议会期间在利特尔顿的基督城选区举行的补选。 It is notable for being won by Elizabeth McCombs of the New Zealand Labour Party, who became the first woman to be elected to the New Zealand Parliament.因此,这次补选被视为新西兰妇女选举权的一个里程碑。
Elizabeth Reid McCombs (née Henderson, 19 November 1873 – 7 June 1935) was a New Zealand politician of the Labour Party who in 1933 became the first woman elected to the New Zealand Parliament.新西兰妇女在 1893 年获得了投票权,但直到 1919 年选举才获准参选众议院。麦库姆斯此前曾在 1928 年和 1931 年参加过选举。

1933年9月, 13